Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yesterday about an hour after putting my bags in my room on the ship, 8 of us rushed off to a futbol game at the nearby world cup stadium.  Since most of the fans on the ship are from all over the world besides America I have to say futbol, and surprisingly it isn't that strange after awhile.  Of course to us in the States it is soccer.  On the way we decided that two guys and two girls had to cheer for each team.  It was amazing to see a match in the stadium that I was watching on TV last summer during the world cup.  Yes dad, the vuvuzula horn is just as annoying in person as it was on TV.  The match ended in a draw (tie) and was exciting until the very end. That is one of the perks of being here in South Africa and I'm glad that I could go.  Monday starts the final prep for getting the ship ready to sail.  It is going to be a busy week.


I decided to return to the ship because I love the people in West Africa and am excited to get to Sierra Leone and start the work there.  However, I wanted to return to the ship while it was in South Africa so I could see some of South Africa.  Specifically a safari, and cape town.  Last weekend I came face to face with giraffes, rinos, hippos, and a lion.  Well, the lion wasn't really face to face, he was in the bushes. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Catch up......

The last two weeks have been kind of sketchy with internet.  Sometimes we had it and others we didn't.  As of 1pm today we have all moved back on the ship and are preparing to sail to Sierra Leone hopefully next week.  The generators in the ship have been working and the engineers and deckies and crew have been scrubbing the ship and getting her as ready as we can so as soon as we reach Sierra Leone the surgeries can begin.  I have a lot to catch up on such as a safari last week, and a soccer match at the world cup stadium today, but that will have to wait until tomorrow since it is getting late here, I have laudry in the washer, and my bags still haven't been unpacked.  If you know me you probably aren't suprised by any of that.  Shockingly, I did put my sheets on my bed if only to put my very special blanket that my Aunt Terri made for me.  I promise that if the internet is working on the ship tomorrow I'll post pics of everything and give a bit more detail.  If you are only looking for patient stories check back in about 3 weeks when we arrive in sierra leone. 
More tomorrow.  Good night!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here I am

I'll spare you the long journey details and just leave it with the fact that I have arrived safely in South Africa.  It actually was a good trip as several friends were with me and that helped the long flights pass quicker.  
The ship has been in dry dock getting refitted for several months.  As I've learned with anything that happens in Africa, the estimated time isn't always what it ends up being.  Since there is no ventilation, or sometimes electricity on board the ship the crew is being housed at a old college about 1.5 hrs from the ship.  On Saturday we were brought here to what is called Applebosch.  It was a wonderful reunion seeing people I have worked with in Benin and Togo.  There has been many hours already of laughing.  It is hard not being on the ship just yet and to be waiting to sail knowing that the people of Sierra Leone are waiting for us.  There is an amazing team there preparing for the ship and starting the screenings for the patients.  We don't have an exact day to sail but I'll keep everyone updated.
The best thing for me about being stuck here in South Africa is that I've always wanted to visit South Africa.  This coming weekend I'm able to go on a Safari and next weekend attend a futbol (soccer) match at the stadium that held the world cup. 
 Every day we are driving to the ship to work to get things ready for the sail and outreach.  I have to admit i'm excited to move back on board.  I've missed the ship.  
There isn't much else to report just yet.  I know that everyone was looking to hear patient stories, but settle in for a wait since it will be about a month before we reach Sierra leone.  Thanks for keeping up with the blog and I'd love to hear from all of you.  

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It seems fitting to write a blog just as the new year is starting.  Sitting in the trauma icu with all my co-workers watching the ball drop and realizing that we didn't even have sparkling grape juice seems sad.  It's easy to forget that a year ago I was getting ready to head to Togo to join Mercy Ships, 6 months ago I was heading out to Vietnam on a medical trip, and 4 months ago I was traveling around Alaska.  2010 was kind of amazing.  Not to be outdone 2011 looks to be pretty good also.  In 13 days I'm leaving again for the other place that seems like home.  I'll be joining Mercy Ships in South Africa and then sailing to the field service in Sierra Leone.  A country that not so long ago was in a civil war, and ranks as one of the poorest countries in the world.  The difference this year is that instead of 8 weeks (my two previous mercy ship trips) I'll be there for 7 months.  It already doesn't seem long enough. 
The next two weeks are going to be busy. 
Thanks for following along with me on this new adventure.